Bias-Tee send DC voltage on top of an RF signal.
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What is it? Think of a bias-tee as a diplexer with an ideal capacitor that allows AC through but blocks the DC, and a perfect inductor that blocks AC but allows DC. This Bias-Tee work on HF frequenci…
Read More…Think of a bias-tee as a diplexer with an ideal capacitor that allows AC through but blocks the DC, and a perfect inductor that blocks AC but allows DC. This Bias-Tee work on HF frequencies from 1 to 30 Mhz.
This is not a kit, but just the PCB board. Buyers will need to procure parts listed on the BOM.
I built I have build a remote antenna switch and I built this device to send power to the switch through the coaxial cable.
The PCB has been designed to fit in this case from Amazon
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Shipping Rate | Tracked | Ships From | First Item | Additional Items |
Quantity | Price |
1 | $5.00 |
2+ | $3.00 |
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Communication: (5.00)
Vernon J | March 17, 2021
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