Assembled SI4732 All Band Radio Receiver FM AM (MW & SW) SSB (LSB & USB) with lithium battery + Antenna + Speaker + Case
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Product details link for (MLA 30 +) SI4732All Band Radio Receiver FM AM (MW And SW) SSB (LSB And USB) w/ Shell Antenna Built-in Battery Electrical Parameters: - Use a 3.6v lithium battery - Support U…
Read More…Product details link for (MLA 30 +) SI4732All Band Radio Receiver FM AM (MW And SW) SSB (LSB And USB) w/ Shell Antenna Built-in Battery
Electrical Parameters: - Use a 3.6v lithium battery - Support USB charging - Audio output supports headset 3.5MM - Support 8-ohm speaker 1W output - FM supports earphone antenna - Antenna interface uses BNC -Size :88x88x38mm - The PCB retains the SI4732 package, users can replace the chip by themselves, and the software is compatible
Features of This Sketch: 1) FM, AM (MW and SW) and SSB (LSB and USB); 2) Audio bandwidth filter 0.5, 1, 1.2, 2.2, 3 and 4Khz; 3) 22 commercial and ham radio bands pre-configured; 4) BFO Control; 5) Frequency step switch (1, 5 and 10KHz). Band band[] = { {FM_BAND_TYPE, 8400, 10800, 10430, 10}, {LW_BAND_TYPE, 100, 510, 300, 1}, {MW_BAND_TYPE, 520, 1720, 810, 10}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 1720, 3500, 1900, 1}, // 160 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 3500, 4500, 3700, 1}, // 80 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 4500, 5500, 4850, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 5500, 6300, 6000, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 6300, 7800, 7050, 5}, // 40 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 7800, 10000, 9600, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 10000, 11000, 10100, 1}, // 30 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 11000, 12500, 11940, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 12500, 13900, 13600, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 13900, 14500, 14270, 1}, // 20 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 14500, 15900, 15300, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 15900, 17900, 17600, 5}, {SW_BAND_TYPE, 17900, 18300, 18100, 1}, // 17 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 18300, 21900, 21200, 1}, // 15 mters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 21900, 26200, 24940, 1}, // 12 meters {SW_BAND_TYPE, 26200, 27900, 27500, 1}, // CB band (11 meters) {SW_BAND_TYPE, 27900, 30000, 28400, 1}}; // 10 meters Attention: - If you modify the parameters, please refer to the actual product.
Package Included: - 1 x Set of Radio Receiver
Note: - It is assembled and ready to use.
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Quantity | Price |
1 | $59.96 |
2+ | $55.00 |
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