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I wish you a happy day :D
What is it? This is a fun pin badge, press the button to bring it alive. A good looking wearable to make you shine :P! It has two ultra bright LEDs reverse mounted on the backside, the core material(…
Read More…This is a fun pin badge, press the button to bring it alive. A good looking wearable to make you shine :P!
It has two ultra bright LEDs reverse mounted on the backside, the core material(PCB) is used as a light diffuser. Behind this gadget there is some art, a layer combination between solder masks color, finished material and silkscreen.
I like tranformers an the idea came instantly after watching the embleme.
It's a great wearable, looks fun and interesting, it's not just Steady LEDs on,
There's no ON/OFF switch, just a simple push button, the microcontroller uses the low power features to maintain ready for action.
It's a great gift, you know that :D.
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Mail packages on wednesday
Quantity | Price |
1 | $30.00 |
2+ | $18.00 |
Product: (5.00)
Documentation: (5.00)
Shipping: (5.00)
Communication: (5.00)
Anthony | June 7, 2019
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