Breakout/development board for ATtiny3216 and other 20-pin megaAVR ATtiny, Arduino compatible
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Assembled board shown for reference only - this is the listing for the BARE BOARD Assembled boards with 1626, ATtiny3216 or the new ATtiny3226 are available in my other listing This is a breakout bo…
Read More…Assembled board shown for reference only - this is the listing for the BARE BOARD
Assembled boards with 1626, ATtiny3216 or the new ATtiny3226 are available in my other listing
This is a breakout board for the ATtiny 0/1/2-series with 20 pins. These feature the latest and greatest peripherals in a low cost tinyAVR package (in fact, they are in most cases cheaper than classic tinyAVRs), including the 3226, 1626, 826, 426, 3216, 1616, 816, 416, 1606, 806 - all the 20-pin tinyAVR 2-series, 1-series and 0-series ATtiny parts. These are highly capable and affordable ATtiny parts - prices are lower than most classic AVR ATtinys with the powerful megaAVR peripherals. These parts are fully compatible with Arduino using my megaTinyCore, too.
The biggest change between Rev B and C is - they're narrower than the old ones: Now the rows of pins on the edges are 0.6" apart, the same width as a Nano - and you know what that means: You can also put machined pin header on them, facing down, and plug them into a Wide DIP socket, This works great with my prototyping boards, especially the new 1.5" x 4" DIP-48 ones. The machined pins are also far better for use with breadboards, since they don't deform te contacts in the holes like normal pin header. We switched to dark blue solder mask to improve readability of solder mask, pins are now marked with both the pin name in Pxn notation (eg, PB2 is the pin corresponding to bit 2 of PORTB, and can be referred to if using my Arduino core as PIN_PB2 - since the functions are based on this, using this notation makes it easy to port your design between tinyAVR parts with different numbers of pins.For example, you want to output some PWM on 2 pins, so you choose PB0 and PB1. You then want to move to a 1626 because you didn't have quite enough pins. If you referred to those pins by their numbers, you'd have to change that. But if you call them PIN_PB0 and PIN_PB1, those would be correctly identified and you could likely move between the 14, 20, and 24 pin parts without any code changes (and that is why I promote that system!). We also mark some of the common alternate functions next to the pins.
We have also improved markings around the groups of jumpers on the back for making use of the DTR and CTS linesBy default, CTS (which is an input to the serial adapter) will be tied to UPDI (also an input) but it allows a modified cable to connect to both UPDI and Serial (through two separate serial adapters), allowing you to use a modified 6-pin serial cable to conveniently connect both at once. It can also be left floating , tied to ground (some software expects the CTS line to be driven low and uses that as a way of detecting that it's connected to something. Finally it can be connected to PB0, the XDIR pin for USART0, which will be mighty convenient if you happen to be doing anything with RS485, now that the Serial class supports Serial.begin(57600,SERIAL_8N1 | SERIAL_RS485 | SERIAL_HALF_DUPLEX.
The reset enable jumper is now a pair which can route either the pulse to the UPFI/Reset pin (for autoreset) or to PB1, where you could detect it with a LOW level interrupt and trigger a reset based on it (Ersatz reset), or route a pulse to PB4 for the 2-series alternate reset feature.
This is a breakout board for all of the "modern" ATtiny parts in SOIC-20 pin packages. They are numbered like: ATtinymmd6
where mm
is flash size is kb, d
is the series, 0, 1 or 2, and the 6 indicates that it's the 20-pin version. The 8-pin parts end in 2, 14-pin ons end in 4, and 24-pin ones in 7 (my understanding is that the 14, 20, and 24 pin versions use the same die; a complication resulting from this may be the reason that we saw so few 8-pin tinyAVR parts released; within each series, parts of the same flash size and 14-24 pins have identical pinouts, provided that the pin exists on a given pincount (ie, PC0 has the same function on any part that has it).
All of the modern tinyAVR devices are highly capable and affordable - prices are lower than most classic AVR ATtiny devices (as with EVERYTHING since the 2016 AVR revolution) - while the peripherals use the latest and greatest technology (let's face it - the classic AVR peripherals had been getting a little stale. Actually, they'd been stale for a while). As far as I can tell, Microchip tests out their new technology on a tinyAVR before bringing it to a full sized chip most of the time. The tinyAVR 1-series brought us the Type D high speed async timer which then showed up in 2020 on the DA-series - and while the headline features of the DB-series were entirely novel, the only other changes that showed up in the DA/DB series were evolutionary. Now, in 2021, the amazing new fully differential ADC wth Programable Gain Amplifier (PGA) is featured on the 2-series tinyAVRs; this has been announced for the AVR EA-series line of full size parts for future release. These parts are fully compatible with Arduino using my megaTinyCore, and you can access the full functionality of the new ADC through a handful of new functions, or use analogRead() for backwards compatible ADC functionality.
Ref. Des | Part on Rev. B | Part on Rev. C |
U1 | 20-pin tinyAVR 0/1-series, 2-series if you don't care about autoreset | 20-pin tinyAVR 0/1/2-series |
C1 | 1206 0.1uF Cap | 0805 0.1uF cap |
C2 | 1206 Output Cap for regulator | 0805 output cap for regulator and/or board-level decoupling. |
C3 | 1206 Input Cap for regulator* | 1206 Input Cap for regulator* |
C4 | 1206 0.1uF capacitor if using autoreset only. | |
C5 | N/A | (optional) 0805 cap if oscillator Y1 installed. 0.01uF or per osc. datasheet. |
R1 | 1206 470 ohm resistor - Series resistor for UPDI pin, | |
R2 | 1206 10k resistor if using autoreset only. | |
D1 | Diode (for autoreset only) | Diode (cathode towards middle pin, for autoreset only) |
D2 | N/A | 1206 LED, connected to PA7 rheough R3. |
LED1 | 1206 LED, connected to PA7 through R3. | N/A |
R3 | 1206 resistor (ballast for LED - 2.2k ~ 220 ohm depending on how bright you like your LEDs - I use 1k) | |
U2 | (optional) 1117-series or compatible voltage regulator in SOT-223 package (Recommended: LDL1117). | |
F1 | If using regulator, or jumpering across regulator as described below, place 1206 PTC fuse (1A max recommended, can replace with jumper if you like to live dangerously or your power supply is already current limited) | |
Y1 | N/A | 3225 package Oscillator (not just a crystal, these parts don't support crystals). ** |
4.7uF or as directed by regulator datasheet
if Y1 is installed, cut the bridge between PA3 and the through hole normally connected to it for best results. 32 MHz is very possible with solid power supply and external clock.
If you plan to run directly off a battery (ex, a protected LiPo battery), but still want the PTC fuse protecting the power from battery, a 2512 0-ohm resistor can be soldered between the pads for the regulator tab and pin furthest from the fuse to jumper around the regulator; this will connect the fuse (and hence Vin header) directly to Vcc.
Additionally, you will almost certainly want some pin header. 1x3 for UPDI header, 1x6 for FTDI serial header. 2 1x15 headers for the I/O pins - recommend normal square header for use with DuPont jumpers, or machined pin header for use with breadboard. All 0.1" pitch. Beautiful, colorful pin header (looks great on social media posts) is available for an added fee.
Unlike older ("classic") AVR microcontrollers, these new parts are programmed via "UPDI" single-wire interface based closely on half-duplex UART serial with autobaud (indeed, it would appear that the UPDI interface is simply a modified UART that always operates in half-duplex single wire mode with autobaud.
In the past the standard in Arduino circles was to use an Arduino Nano as the programmer, running "JTAG2UPDI" - unfortunately that firmware was always rather buggy, and unlike the analogous firmware for programming classic AVRs (Arduino as ISP), the source code is actively hostile to someone wishing to modify it. I worked for months and was never satisfied with the results. We now recommend using the SerialUPDI tool included with megaTinyCore (or pyupdi as a standalone tool - it works much the same way), with an ordinary TTL serial adapter, with the addition of a resistor and/or diode. We provide a number of configuration options that can be get the highest performance your hardware is capable of (it depends on the OS, the serial adapter and the hardware; 57600 baud works everywhere without any compatibility options, while 921600 baud almost always does. See the SerialUPDI guide
megaTinyCore supports the Optiboot bootloader for serial uploads (though you still need a UPDI programmer to bootload the board - our assembled boards are now available with optiboot preinstalled). Unfortunately, on all tinyAVR parts except the 20 and 24-pin 2-series, there is either a UPDI pin or a reset pin. If you make the pin reset, you need to use an HV programmer if you ever want to reprogram it with UPDI. The 20 and 24-pin 2-series parts have the option to use PB4 as the alternate reset pin (configured via fuses). We do not recommend the use of Optiboot on 14-pin boards or any 0/1-series boards. The experience is substantially better on the parts with alternate reset option. Note that support for routing the autoreset pulse to PB4 was added in Rev. C of this board.
More information on Optiboot and the tinyAVR 0, 1, and 2-series ATtiny parts is available in the megaTinyCore documentation.
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We ship all orders via USPS. UPS will be added as an option in the near future, I hope. We do all shipping through, and they offer me UPS, but all addresses are rejected as invalid, and I have emailed support numerous times and have had zero response. So at present, we cannot entertain requests to ship through other carriers.
Quantity | Price |
1-9 | $2.25 |
10-59 | $1.50 |
60+ | $1.25 |
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Kurt | Feb. 17, 2021
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