Breakout/development board for ATtiny412 and other 8-pin megaAVR ATtiny, Arduino compatible
Designed by Azduino by Spence Konde in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Assembled board shown for reference only - this is the listing for the BARE BOARD Assembled boards with ATtiny412 or ATtiny402 are available my other listing This is a breakout board for the new ATti…
Read More…Assembled board shown for reference only - this is the listing for the BARE BOARD
Assembled boards with ATtiny412 or ATtiny402 are available my other listing
This is a breakout board for the new ATtiny megaAVR x2 series - supports 412, 212, 402, 202 - all the 8-pin megaAVR 1-series and 0-series ATtiny parts. These are highly capable and affordable ATtiny parts - prices are lower than most classic AVR ATtinys with the powerful megaAVR peripherals. These parts are fully compatible with Arduino using my megaTinyCore, too.
As of Rev. A and the autoreset circuit is now usable. These are the boards shown in the first and third product picture. If you do not connect the jumper on the back to enable autreset and install the autoreset components, these boards can be used freely for UPDI or Optiboot without auto-reset (see the programming section below for more details).
They are offered at a 35-cent discount to help move them out. They are totally suitable for programming with UPDI, or with the Optiboot bootloader without setting the UPDI pin to reset (see the megaTinyCore documentation for more information on these configurations), but not for optiboot with UPDI as reset. If you don't need optiboot with autoreset nor the mounting holes, these boards will work for your purposes.
So - we have a Rev. B (see below) now. And I have like 150 Rev. - and Rev. A boards still in stock. I've just kicked up the quantity discounts, and there's another incentive: Buy ALL of the remaining stock of either Rev. - or Rev. A and you get the solder paste stencil for assembly with reflow/hot air. This is not one of those dinky plastic ones, this is a proper stainless steel stencil which I paid $25 for, not expecting to respin the board immediately. And then I did the exact same thing with the Rev. A!
U1 ATtiny 412, 212, 402, 202
C1 1206 0.1uF Cap - decoupling
C2 1206 Output Cap for regulator and power supply filtering (4.7uF or as directed by regulator datasheet)
C3 (If using regulator) 1206 Input Cap for regulator (4.7uF or as directed by regulator datasheet)
C4 Rev. A: 1206 0.1uF capacitor if using autoreset. With Rev. - or if not using autoreset on Rev. A, Do Not Use
R1 1206 4.7k resistor
R2 Rev. A: 1206 10k resistor if using autoreset. With Rev. - or if not using autoreset on Rev. A, Do Not Use
R3 1206 resistor (ballast for LED - 2.2k ~ 220 ohm depending on how bright you like your LEDs)
D1 Rev. A: SOD123 diode with band facing the regulator if using autoreset. With Rev. - or if not using autoreset on Rev. A, Do Not Use
LED1 (optional) 1206 LED, this is connected to PA7 (Arduino pin 3) -
F1 (if using regulator) 1206 PTC fuse (1A max recommended, can replace with jumper if you like to live dangerously or your power supply is already current limited)
U2 (optional) 1117-series or compatible voltage regulator in SOT-223 package (Recommended: LDL1117)
Pin Header - 1x3 for UPDI header, 1x6 for FTDI serial header. 2 1x15 headers for the I/O pins - recommend normal square header for use with DuPont jumpers, or machined pin header for use with breadboard. All 0.1" pitch.
Power header (if using regulator) Your preferred 2-pin power connector (or wires to in-line connector), 0.1" pitch.
Note: Reference designators are missing from the top silkscreen on the Rev. - parts. Refer to images as reference; part locations are:
U1, U2 - obvious
2 1206 parts on either side of UPDI header - R3, LED1
2 1206 parts between UPDI header and U1 - (starting from UPDI header) R1, C1
2 1206 parts between regulator and Vin header (starting from edge of board) - F1, C2
1 1206 part on other side of regulator - C3
3 parts in corner near FTDI header - C4, R2, D1 - Do not use (this is for an autoreset circuit - this is only useful with serial bootloader and UPDI disabled (as it will prevent UPDI programming), such a bootloader will be introduced in a future version of megaTinyCore, but is not currently available)
Unlike other AVR microcontrollers, these new parts are programmed via a "UPDI" singlewire interface instead of the SPI-based ICSP protocol. You can easily use a standard Arduino Nano, Uno, or Pro Mini as a UPDI programmer, this is what we use and recommend - see the instructions here:
Make UPDI programmer from Nano/ProMini/Uno
The order of the pins on the UPDI header is UPDI-Gnd-Vcc - this means that if the programmer is connected backwards, the board will not be damaged. The 4.7k resistor is on the breakout board; you do not need to (and should not) use another one.
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International orders have been suffering long delays due to COVID-19 - please check your country at and make sure that I can ship to you, and that you are okay with any delays. There may be additional information available from your national postal service. Some customers have reported packages being delayed in transit by over a month. We cannot offer any sort of guarantees regarding international shipments at this time; we apologize for the inconvenience, and are looking into shipping internationally through UPS.
Please be sure that the address given to Tindie is accurate, and includes your street name and number - company name is only required if shipping to a commercial address. International orders require a valid phone number.
Domestic packages that go more than 1 week without a tracking update will be presumed lost in the mail and refunded or reshipped as buyer prefers. Any international packages can be delayed in customs without warning for 2 weeks or more. After 1 month without a tracking event (2 months to South and Central America - insane delays in those nations are commonplace), we will reship or refund a missing order (as you prefer). COVID-19 update: Some countries have stopped processing incoming international mail entirely -we will cancel orders to countries which we know are not processing international mail at all. This may also cause longer than usual shipping times - we are not responsible for such delays.
We do not open inquiries through the postal service - experience has shown this to be futile.
We ship all orders via USPS. UPS will be added as an option in the near future, I hope. We do all shipping through, and they offer me UPS, but all addresses are rejected as invalid, and I have emailed support numerous times and have had zero response. So at present, we cannot entertain requests to ship through other carriers.
Quantity | Price |
1-11 | $1.25 |
12-23 | $1.00 |
24-47 | $0.85 |
48+ | $0.65 |
Product: (5.00)
Documentation: (5.00)
Shipping: (5.00)
Communication: (5.00)
Erik | Aug. 19, 2020
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somerville, MA, United States of America
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