An Arduino compatible music visualizer based on the ATmega328p
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Twitch What is it? The Music Visualizer is an Arduino compatible audio spectrum analyzer capable of generating visual RGB effects on a strip or matrix of WS2812B LEDs. It is based on the Atmel ATmega…
Read More…The Music Visualizer is an Arduino compatible audio spectrum analyzer capable of generating visual RGB effects on a strip or matrix of WS2812B LEDs. It is based on the Atmel ATmega329p-au and uses two MSGEQ7s to break the audio input out into seven separate frequencies on two different channels.
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A while back I had published a project detailing the process for creating your own music visualizer using an Arduino Uno and a Sparkfun Spectrum Shield. I love Sparkfun and I love Arduino, but I also love making things as simple and intuitive as possible. For these reasons, I have designed the Arduino compatible Music Visualizer. It is the single board version of the original Arduino Music Visualizer from my previous project with a few other changes. Rather than using the FastLED library, I have employed the Adafruit NeoPixel library which made for some more simple code in the end. There are no extra wires needed and no other boards or shields to add. You simply connect your WS2812B strip to the pre-soldered JST connector, plug in your audio source and speaker to the 3.5mm jacks, and plug in a micro USB cable for power.
For usage and other documentation, please refer to my github repo
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Dennis | May 1, 2020
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Manassas, VA, United States of America
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