A really big, modular, daylight-visible 7-segment display.
Designed by Pants for Birds in United States of AmericaNo shipping info available.
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NOTE: This listing is for 7 individual LED segments, which is enough to build a single numeric digit. What is it? The Bigass Seven-Segment Display is an assembly of seven hexagonal-shaped PCBs, with …
Read More…NOTE: This listing is for 7 individual LED segments, which is enough to build a single numeric digit.
The Bigass Seven-Segment Display is an assembly of seven hexagonal-shaped PCBs, with a total of 126 ultra-bright amber LEDs! These PCBs can be interlinked with solder joints to form a single huge 7-segment display digit. Individual segments are controlled by separate wires that can be soldered to a "control" pin on each segment (compatible with 3.3V-5V logic levels)! An easy way to control these seven-segment displays without taking up too many pins on your microcontroller is to use a shift register IC, which has the advantage of being daisy-chainable so that you can control as many segments as you'd like from a single SPI port! Segments can easily be dimmed by PWM'ing the "enable" pin on each shift register.
Each Bigass Seven-Segment Display segment requires +12V, and consumes around 120mA when turned on at full brightness.
The Bigass Seven-Segment Display is fully open-source, and example code for driving a two-digit display with MicroPython or Arduino can be found here.
I originally made these display segments for a radar speed sign halloween costume, which needed large, daylight-visible LED segments.
The Bigass Seven-Segment display is visible in daylight, and each display digit is 188mm (7.4in) tall x 92mm (3.7in) wide. That's pretty big!
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Los Altos, CA, United States of America
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