The FreeLoad cartridge is a simple clone of an Epyx Fastload cartridge
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The FreeLoad cartridge is a simple clone of an Epyx Fastload cartridge, offering a system reset button, a file access activity LED and a disable switch. Load 5x faster from your floppy disk drive, y…
Read More…The FreeLoad cartridge is a simple clone of an Epyx Fastload cartridge, offering a system reset button, a file access activity LED and a disable switch. Load 5x faster from your floppy disk drive, your SD2IEC or your Pi1541!
This loader accelerator stands out as one of the swiftest options for the Commodore 64, surpassing even Jiffydos in speed without the inconvenience of mounting new EPROMs in both the computer and the drive. It's an essential addition for every Commodore 64 user!
Switch off your C64 if you haven't already done so.
Insert the cartridge into the expansion slot of your C64.
Switch on the cartridge using the selector switch.
Turn on your C64.
The Fastloader works automatically.
Take a look at the manual to find out how you can use all the features of the cartridge.
This PCB has been designed by Stefan Wagner
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