An Atmega328p, an LSM9DS1 9 axis sensor, a lipo charging circuit and an integrated switch.
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Description This 9 degree of freedom IMU board incorporates the LSM9DS1 9 axis sensor from STMicroelectronics, an Atmega328p, a LiPo charging circuit, and a FT231x USB to serial converter for easy us…
Read More…This 9 degree of freedom IMU board incorporates the LSM9DS1 9 axis sensor from STMicroelectronics, an Atmega328p, a LiPo charging circuit, and a FT231x USB to serial converter for easy use with the Arduino IDE via USB. The LSM9DS1 provides three axis gyroscope measurements, three axis accelerometer measurements, and three axis magnetometer measurements in a single package. Coupled with the Atmega328p provides a simple IMU compatible with the Arduino IDE.
An on board regulator provides 3.3 volts. This regulator can be powered via USB or a LiPo battery. If using a LiPo battery, an on board charging circuit will recharge the battery when the board is plugged into a USB port. Finally, the board has an integrated power switch that can be controlled by the Atmega328p. This power switch can turn off power off board peripherals (such as WS2812 LEDs) that are connected to +V output on the right side of the board.
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