It's a small board, based on an Arduino Nano. It has buttons, a display and I/O ports, so that it's ready for most of your Projects
Designed by Alain's Projects in LuxembourgNo shipping info available.
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Why I developed this? Do you also have the occasional problem, that you want to create something with an Arduino, but the workshop is a mess, you find neither a suitable display nor the right button,…
Read More…Do you also have the occasional problem, that you want to create something with an Arduino, but the workshop is a mess, you find neither a suitable display nor the right button, and finally, if you have everything together, you lost the desire, to realize the idea?
For each project, you normally need, a Led or a display, buttons and I/O's, so why not place the parts, together on one single board?
The idea for the Arduino Nano Quick Project was born. It's based on an Arduino Nano V3
It's a ready to use box which helps you to realize 85% of all the small ideas. You have buttons, digital and analog I/O's, which are on an easy to access block terminal, a display, the serial interface, an I2C interface and two LEDs. No more searching or soldering for a 10min project. Just take the Arduino Nano Q.P., upload the program and that's it. Use your Arduino where you want, in the lab, in the kitchen, on the bus ..... no more limits and no more "breadboard jumper mess" for simple things.
Or simply use it as a control-unit for your next project.
It's also cool for beginners. If you want to learn to programme, it can be very frustrating when the display displays nothing, or the LED does not blink. One thing for sure, with the Arduino QP, It can't be a wiring problem, so you can concentrate on your code and search for the error. This little kit is perfect to experiment with external sensors and to learn how they work. You can buy it as DIY Kit, that you have to solder by yourself or you buy it ready to use, assembled and tested. You can even purchase an enclosure in 3 different colors to make it look cool
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