An adapter kit to allow a 29F010 PLCC flash ROM to be used in place of a 1Mbit Mask Rom.
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What is it? An adapter board to allow a 29F010 flash rom to be used in place of a 1Mbit mask rom. This board was initially developed to replace a TC531000P mask rom in a Salamander JAMMA arcade game …
Read More…An adapter board to allow a 29F010 flash rom to be used in place of a 1Mbit mask rom. This board was initially developed to replace a TC531000P mask rom in a Salamander JAMMA arcade game board. This board may be suitable for other mask rom types that use the same pinout as the TC531000P. I will update this description whenever I am able to test the adaptor with other mask rom types.
The adapter is supplied in kit form. Build instructions can be found in the associated documents.
I made this board to replace a faulty mask rom in a Konami Salamander JAMMA arcade board. I had a quantity of 29F010 flash roms left over from another project so I designed this board to put them to use.
29F010 flash roms are easily obtainable and can also be recycled from scrap circuit boards. Using a socket allows the flash rom to be removed and re-programmed easily.
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Packages are usually shipped the following day but may be shipped the same day if the order is received early enough.
Quantity | Price |
1-3 | $4.50 |
4-7 | $4.00 |
8+ | $3.50 |
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