Time to time we need to adopt in the field popular ESP8266 Wi-Fi module which is used widely in IoT systems, SCREW SHIELD helped to do this.
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What is it? ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD it is a shield for support ESP8266 model 01, and make easy adapt ESP8266 wherever you want. Why did you make it? Time to time we need to adopt in the field po…
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ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD it is a shield for support ESP8266 model 01, and make easy adapt ESP8266 wherever you want.
Why did you make it?
Time to time we need to adopt in the field popular ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module which is used widely in IoT systems.
And here is the thing. When we do not have soldering station around ourselves and even worst we do not have power supply for soldering station we have a small problem.
Solution for this problem can be simple SCREW SHIELD for ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module base on concept from similar design done for ATtiny85.
What makes it special?
There are few things which make ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD special
Screw connectors that allowed you realy fast and simple addapt ESP8266-01 in the field. Basicly you need to have just a screwdriver and that is all, no soldering required. Just screw cable to connectors and you are ready to go with your device.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD has build in power supply stabilizer. As you may notice ESP8266 works with 3.3V logic as well power supply. On shield you will find dedicated connector to connect external power supply from the range of 5÷12VDC.
Output current of power supply is 800mA. Because of this you can supply ESP8266 and any other circuitry in your system.
There are 2 screw holes 3.3mm diameter on PCB. This allowed you basically adapt your ESP8266 anywhere.
On the SCREW SHIELD PCB you will find full description of pins on top and bottom side. This simplified and speed up assembly in your system without looking in the the documentation of ESP8266-01.
On the PCB there is a reset switch which allows you any time reset ESP8266.
Flash switch provide ability to upgrade a firmware on ESP8266.
####What include setup
At this moment ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD come in 3 option.
Fully assemlbe ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD, ready to go with your projects.
Kit - complete set of parts that you can solder by yourself.
ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD PCB, so you can collect parts what you want and customized shield for your needs.
Schematic: ESP8266 Wi-Fi - SCREW SHIELD - schematic
1 × PCB - size 51 x 20.7 [mm]
2 × 100nF / 50V / 1206
3 × 10k / 1206
2 × Switch
3 × 2-pin 2.54mm/0.1"
2 × 3-pin 2.54mm/0.1"
1 × LD1117S33 / SOT223 / LDO 800mA
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Curtis | June 15, 2017
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