This allows you to connect Commodore and Atari controllers, and Amiga keyboards to your RasPi or Desktop computer, for emulation & gaming.
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What is it? This device allows you to connect your Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 or 3000 keyboard to your modern computer via USB. It also has support for two simultaneous DB-9-style controllers. Supported …
Read More…This device allows you to connect your Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 or 3000 keyboard to your modern computer via USB. It also has support for two simultaneous DB-9-style controllers.
Currently, the firmware is in development, so this is the expected feature set. Everything listed here has been tested and can work, but not at the same time in one neat package...
Also note, that all of the keyboards are wired together, and only one can be connected at any time.
The controllers (joysticks, mouse, etc) can be configured to work as mouse, keyboard keys or joysticks. Specific models are shown here, but for example, if a joystick worked on the Atari 2600 VCS, then it is equivalent to the Atari CX40 mentioned below, and will work.)
I found other similar devices that came close to filling the niche that this product does, but none of them quite worked for me. For the keyboard, there are devices like the Keyrah, which work with the ribbon-cable keyboards (A600, A1200, possibly others if you hack them apart), but not for the serial based keyboards. Then there are two other solutions for the serial-based A500 keyboard. One of them is a complete DIY solution, requiring you build everything yourself. The other is A500 only and not easily configurable. I wanted it to support the A1000 keyboard (which has faster communications) as well as the A2000/3000 keyboards.
As for controllers, there are a few DB9-USB interfaces out there, but all are single-port, and only support a specific pre-chosen interface. I know that I can have mine autoconfigure/autodetect what kind of controller is plugged in, and send the appropriate output to the host computer.
I also know that I wanted a device with a better interface, and could easily be mounted inside of an Amiga 500 enclosure, plugged into a RasPi or whatever, and work as expected.
The LL530 allows for live-autoconfiguring of the controllers, so that you can unplug a mouse, and plug in a joystick and it will detect that and 'just work'. It also supports a slew of various controllers.
For the odd controller that it can't detect, there is a USB serial interface you can use to connect to it and manually change the settings. You can also select from all of the standard keymaps for the keyboards, and change how the controllers map to the various expected input schemes -- for example, UAE expects controls to be sent in one way, Stella expects it in a different way, and RasPi-libretro based games may expect something different. All of these schemes are supported, built-in to the device.
Being based on a standard Arduino (the Pro Micro/Leonardo using an ATmega 32u4), it can be easily updated with new firmware as well, which also means you can write your own if you so wish.
The hardware is built and functioning, and the firmware is in development. Testing with new devices is ongoing.
The current product does not have integrated keyboard support. The device needs to be re-flashed to switch to keyboard mode. It also does not auto-switch for the input devices yet. There is a HID Serial device that will appear on your system which you can connect to, to set what the input device type is (mouse, joystick, etc) and what it should send out (HID Joystick, HID keyboard presses, HID Mouse movements, etc)
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