Test resistance and voltage drop across a mini or a micro USB cable.
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Not all USB cables are created equal. Charging your phone using a cheap high resistance cable takes for ever because large part of the energy gets lost in the cable as heat. This is a simple micro an…
Read More…Not all USB cables are created equal. Charging your phone using a cheap high resistance cable takes for ever because large part of the energy gets lost in the cable as heat.
This is a simple micro and mini USB break out board, that allows easy resistance measurement by passing a current through the cable and measuring the voltage drop across the cable.
After measuring all of my USB cables I found that there is a huge difference between good cables and bad ones. Good 20 AWG cables have resistance between 150mOhm and 250mOhm depending on the length of the cable. Really cheap ones can have resistance over 1000mOhm, that's a voltage drop 2V if you try to pass 2A current through them, no wonder you can't charge anything with them.
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Todd | March 9, 2017
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Bangor, ME, United States of America
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