Replace your Arduino shields with your Android smart phone!
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1Sheeld is a new easily configured shield for Arduino. It is connected to a mobile app that allow the usage of all of Android smartphones' capabilities such as LCD Screen, Gyroscope, Switches, LEDs, …
Read More…1Sheeld is a new easily configured shield for Arduino. It is connected to a mobile app that allow the usage of all of Android smartphones' capabilities such as LCD Screen, Gyroscope, Switches, LEDs, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, GSM, Wi-Fi, GPS …etc. into your Arduino sketch.
Basically, our product consists of two parts. The first part is a shield that is physically connected to your Arduino board and acts as a wireless middle-man, piping data between Arduino and any Android smartphone via Bluetooth. The second part is a software platform and app on Android smartphones that manages the communication between our shield and your smartphone and let your choose between different available shields.
By doing that, you can use 1Sheeld as input or output from Arduino and make use of all of the sensors and peripherals already available on your Android smartphone instead of buying the actual shields. You can use it to control an RC car using the phone's gyroscope, or even tweet when someone enters the room!
There are 36 shields in 1Sheeld including:
Voice Recognition Shield - Control your Arduino with voice commands with 1 line of code, you can trigger it to control a robot or talk to your home appliances!
Text To Speech Shield - Let your Arduino board talk to you, get text from Arduino and convert into speech to hear through the smart phone's speaker.
Data Logger Shield - Use the memory of your smart phone to log the data of a certain sensor with Arduino, you can export the data in CSV format.
Terminal Shield - Turn your smart phone into a terminal and get the data from Arduino to your screen! Learn more from the examples page.
Buzzer Shield – Use the speaker in your smartphone buzz a certain tone, no need to buy a speaker and hook it up to Arduino, make this as the output function triggered by Arduino when a certain action happens.
Keypad Shield - Use your smartphone touch screen as a keypad. Want to open your room with a pin code? With just few code lines you have the advantage of using a 4x4 keypad so you can enter a password to trigger Arduino and open your door using a motor.
Twitter Shield - Bringing twitter into your Arduino sketch. Twitter shield allows you to send tweets with only 1 line of code in your sketch.
Facebook Shield - Helps you update your status on Facebook under certain conditions declared in your sketch.
Foursquare Shield - Now you can check-in at any place automatically given the ID of the place if a certain condition is met.
Email Shield - Send emails when any hardware event happens.
Skype Shield - Skype is now in your sketch, feel free to call or video-call others when a certain condition is met.
Slider Shield - Use your smartphone touch screen as a slider. It's always cool to control things using a slider like controlling light intensity or motors, so here comes the slider shield to help you control peripherals with your smartphone.
SMS Shield - Allows you to send an SMS to a phone number when a certain trigger is on.
Camera Shield - Allows you to take pictures when a certain event happens, use your Arduino board to trigger the camera in your smartphone, you can take photos in the dark as well with the flash light.
Gyroscope Sensor Shield - Tinker with the Gyroscope sensor in your smartphone and turn on some LEDs while playing with the by getting the values on the 3-Axis (X, Y & Z), you can use it also to drive an Arduino controlled car.
Mic Shield - Use the sound level to trigger a hardware action, sense the level of noise to trigger an alarm, how about opening your door with a secret knock!
Accelerometer Shield - Get the acceleration of a moving objects is easier now by writing a simple line in your sketch, the shield gets you the data of X, Y and Z axis of the accelerometer sensor in your smartphone.
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