This is a full set of Pixel Rings that can be connect together.
Sold By JeanPierreFigNo shipping info available.
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Product Descriptions: This is a PCB of WS2812b LED 8 rings and 1 dot. They are all connected together in the same PCB but each ring is separated. The unit is powered with 5v, just like the normal WS2…
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This is a PCB of WS2812b LED 8 rings and 1 dot. They are all connected together in the same PCB but each ring is separated. The unit is powered with 5v, just like the normal WS2812b/Neopixel.
The first ring is 60/LED, the second ring is 48LED, the third ring is 40/LED fourth ring is 32/LED, the fifth ring is 24/LED the sixth ring is 16/LED, the seventh ring is 12/LED the eighth ring is 8/LED, and the last one is 1/LED.
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