0 orders since Aug 20, 2013
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Ships from Australia.
Sadly, this store appears to be inactive! All products seem to be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
This store does not currently have any products available.
My name is Lawrence Dixon, but most people know me as "Lemming". It's a rather well earned nickname.
For a long time I have been doing electronics as a hobby and have been getting more and more into designing things. Some of my designs have started to attract a lot of attention from my friends and colleagues and so I thought it was about time I made some of them available to the wider world.
I'm an ardent IRC nut and you can find me on freenode as "Lt_Lemming" in #tindie and a number of other channels, please feel free to message on there if you have any questions about anything I am offering.
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