10 LED light bar that can be used with arduino, raspberry pi, hummingboard and more
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This is a 10 LED board which you connect to your arduino, pi or other device that has gpio so you can control the LEDs. Great to save on breadboard space and can even be made into a badge with a mini…
Read More…This is a 10 LED board which you connect to your arduino, pi or other device that has gpio so you can control the LEDs. Great to save on breadboard space and can even be made into a badge with a mini arduino board.
This came about so I could set up LEDs for projects quicker than plugging them into breadboards followed by resistors etc, a truly plug n go solution.
Whilst this is currently running as a Kickstarter, when I get successfully funded I will be able to go into full production.
If you love building projects you will love this great board.
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