Everything you need to get started with USB-C
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The USB-C Explorer is a development board with everything needed to start working with USB Type-C. It contains a USB-C port controller and Power Delivery PHY chip, a microcontroller, and several opti…
Read More…The USB-C Explorer is a development board with everything needed to start working with USB Type-C. It contains a USB-C port controller and Power Delivery PHY chip, a microcontroller, and several options for user interaction. Here are the hardware features.
The default firmware will identify as a USB Power Delivery Sink and list out all power capabilities from a corresponding Source. It will then request the highest power option. This voltage will be available on the power header. The example photo shows the capabilities of an Apple MacBook 87W Charger.
The default firmware also includes a USB bootloader. If you hold the User Button during reset, it will show up as a USB Mass Storage Device with a single file "FLASH.BIN". Copy the file to inspect the application firmware. Delete it and replace it with a new .bin file to rewrite the firmware. No programming cable is required.
To use the Single Wire Debug (SWD) function for live debugging, you will need a Tag-Connect TC2050-IDC-NL "plug of nails" cable and clip. You can then use an adapter to something like a Segger or J-Link.
This design is open source under an MIT license. All hardware designs, documentation, and firmware are freely available. You can find all design files at this github repository. I welcome feedback, so please let me know what you think. In particular, help with firmware would be appreciated.
Here are some other ideas for firmware upgrades
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Ivan | Dec. 17, 2021
Farley | Oct. 17, 2021
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Oakland, CA, United States of America
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