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MORE ON WAY!! EST. DELIVERY - 3 TO 4 WEEKS. Overview Inspired by the simple eyes of insects, I wanted to create an optical proximity sensor that would detect objects and be used as simple hazard av…
Read More…Inspired by the simple eyes of insects, I wanted to create an optical proximity sensor that would detect objects and be used as simple hazard avoidance in robotics projects. It is provided in kit form, with some basic soldering skills required. Components are thru-hole mounted, so no SMD soldering is required.
The principle behind the Ocelli board is to measure the difference between the reflected light when the LED is switched on, and the ambient light when the LED is switched off. The closer the robot is to an object, the greater the amount of reflected light will reach the photo resistor, so this can be used to judge distance. When a certain threshold (set in your code) is reached, you can trigger an avoidance sequence.
Works great with your arduino projects!
To hook up to your Arduino board, connect the “+5V” pin to the 5V regulated supply, the “A0” pin to an analog pin, the “GND” pin to ground, and the “D0” pin to a digital pin. The analog pin will be used to read the value of the photo resistor, and the digital pin will be used to switch the LED on and off.
Download sample code from here
Download instructions from here
note - photographs in instructions are best viewed if you download the document to your hardrive and open with Adobe or equivalent
Need a custom bracket for mounting? Feel free to contact me for cheap custom 3D printed PLA brackets.
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