DIY Romantic Marry Me "I♡U" PCB board
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Here's something for the inner romantics and DIY circuit board assemblers in all of us. Have you ever tried to design a PCB for your lover or children or friends on a special day? Why not? PCB also c…
Read More…Here's something for the inner romantics and DIY circuit board assemblers in all of us. Have you ever tried to design a PCB for your lover or children or friends on a special day? Why not? PCB also could be an amazing gift.
The Marry Me "I♡U" PCB designed using EasyEDA. I have placed the LED’s placing in the pattern spelling that “I Love (heart) You”, then insert a nice image to the PCB. This romantic LED board consists of 35 Flash LEDs and a CR1220 battery cell and of course some resistors to limit the flow of current. Since this circuit is no more than 35 LED’s and resistor arrays even beginners can try this PCB out and make a beautiful gift. You could find it and learn how to build such a romantic PCB in this instructables.
The lovely circuit board was featured in TheVerge "Circuit boards are the ultimate expression of love"
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