Have you heard of 'Steampunk'? Now you can live it with this multicopter / quadcopter flying ship! It floats. It flys! 20% more awesome...
Designed by ken.do in CanadaThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
What is it? This flying ship is out of this world. If your project includes both water and air-based components, there is no platform with more style than a boat that also flies. 760mm from end to en…
Read More…This flying ship is out of this world. If your project includes both water and air-based components, there is no platform with more style than a boat that also flies. 760mm from end to end, 460mm from motor to motor, this ship is large. Large enough to accommodate 10 inch props with room to grow if necessary. At this time I am offering the frame/hull only as additional testing must be done with different motor combinations to find the one that rocks the hardest. Also, cosmetics are highly customizable, so shoot me your idea!
I made this because I could. And because I live on a Pacific island surrounded by water. I am making a foray into side-scan sonar mapping and navigation and needed an appropriate platform. Getting from the water onto dry land (and vice-versa) is always the tough part. This one will work and is also 20% more awesome than anything else I have seen...
It floats... AND it flies! Because the frame and hull are 3D-printed in multiple modules, repair can be easy, local and cost-effective. Printed with organic corn-based plastic, your broken parts can be sent back to us to be recycled into new parts, or tossed in your compost. The hull is multi-sectional and compartmentalized so damage to one section of the hull will probably not sink the whole platform. If you need a larger propeller size, or any other modifications and colour choices, please contact me! We can get you what you need!
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