A bigger and better PSU for larger DIY modular and/or synthesizer projects. This PSU also includes +5V.
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Observe! In a recent video (https://youtu.be/UXKTkRvtZ-w) I showed that this power supply will work better and at greater mA output if you use an AC-AC adapter with greater headroom, so a 15-18VAC wo…
Read More…Observe! In a recent video (https://youtu.be/UXKTkRvtZ-w) I showed that this power supply will work better and at greater mA output if you use an AC-AC adapter with greater headroom, so a 15-18VAC would be ideal and would give you up to 850mA output at 12VDC. Using a 12VAC adapter as I mostly do gives a way less mA output around 300-350mA. Have this in mind when you are looking for AC-AC adapters. It should be fine up to 24VAC. ALSO KEEP IN MIND TO USE COOLING FINS AS THE MORE POWER, THE MORE HEAT!
This is an improved power supply over the earier PSU1 that had smaller capacitors and only +-12V. This power supply have 4700uF capacitors to reduce the risk of ripple, and also have +5V along with the the +-12V. When using this power supply for a larger amount of modules you will need to add heat sinks, which is easily done as the power regulators are mounted on the sides of the PCB.
I built this as my second Power supply when I got problem with ripple in my smaller power supply. Also this power supply is made to use with the special eurorack power cables and power rails to distribute power, and also has +5V on board. All these were features that I found was good to have after doing building a modular for a while without them.
This is simply a vanilla modular power supply. Nothing really makes it special, except maybe the price which I try to keep as low as possible for more people to be able to get into Modular. It is also very simple to build this power supply yourself on a veroboard or protoboard (maybe the P-0+o). Just follow the schematics.
You can find the schematics here
There is also a really slow video showing the whole build process from start to finish that can help you a lot in building this: Click here to watch the video
For those of you who have trouble finding tha AC-AC wall wart adapters:
Here is a Jameco 12VAC adapter on Amazon, sent from the US: https://amzn.to/2Z2yaIg
Here is a 12V AC-AC Adapter from ebay.com, sent from Germany: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&toolid=11800&pub=5575103922&campid=5338181421&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F264529555139
I found this one here on Tindie that should work fine for this (and other) power supplies, shipped from France: https://www.tindie.com/products/dhaillant/acac-adapter/
And here is one shipping from the UK that should work aswell: https://www.poweradaptorsuk.co.uk/2500ma_12v_AC_AC_Power_Adaptor_p/ta250012ac.htm?CartID=1
And here is one from Thomann who ships all over Europe, it is only 650mA though so maybe a bit on the small side... https://www.thomann.de/fr/the_tmix_mix_1202fx_psu.htm
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