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Product Details Ready to take your project and build it on a breadboard or perfboard? This kit is a great start! Included in the kit: 1 - Atmel ATMEGA328P-PU 28 pin IC pre-programmed with the Arduino…
Read More…Ready to take your project and build it on a breadboard or perfboard? This kit is a great start! Included in the kit: 1 - Atmel ATMEGA328P-PU 28 pin IC pre-programmed with the Arduino UNO Bootloader 1 - 28 pin IC Socket (So you can easily swap out the ATMEGA if needed) 1 - 16MHz crystal 2 - 22pF capacitors for the crystal 1 - 0.1uF capacitor (Decoupling cap for the VDD line) 1 - 10k Resistor (for the reset circuit) 1 - Tactile Switch with long leads (for the reset circuit, works in a breadboard!) 1 - LED (5mm Red, with water clear lens) 1 - 330ohm Resistor (for the LED) Note: The gold colored dot on the pictured IC simply indicates that the bootloader was installed. We use this as confirmation that your IC is ready to go when packing the kits!
Terryville, CT, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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