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Yet another audio shield for Arduino this time with a dsp! What is it? Aida DSP is an audio shield for Arduino for those who wants to implement their own audio effects without compromises on the soun…
Read More…Yet another audio shield for Arduino this time with a dsp!
Aida DSP is an audio shield for Arduino for those who wants to implement their own audio effects without compromises on the sound quality.
In addition, it can be used as a platform in STEM courses to teach engineering and digital signal processing.
Visit our site to find more informations, examples and documentation!
DSP firmware. The DSP firmare is developed in Sigma Studio, a proprietary tool which implements an intuitive graphical design workflow. From Sigma Studio you can export an .xml file which contains DSP firmware and then with our Java tool you can generate a C header file to be used in the Arduino IDE.
Arduino sketch. With the help of the auto-generated code, it's easier to develop a sketch that communicates with the DSP in real time to control its algorithm using Aida DSP Arduino library.
Create! Now you can manage your UI (user interface: buttons, faders, etc.) with Arduino and then let the DSP do the whole hard work of processing audio. For example you can use the DSP to generate a sine tone and change its frequency and amplitude with a pot wired to Arduino's analog input. Check out our examples on Github!
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