This kit contains 7 different kinds of high-precision sensors used for EVB or LEGO Mindstorms EV3
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You may need to know the EVB project at first. This is a sensor kit for EVB, and LEGO Mindstorms EV3. This kit contains: ADC Adapter: The ADC Adapter can connect 2 Arduino sensors and read their va…
Read More…You may need to know the EVB project at first. This is a sensor kit for EVB, and LEGO Mindstorms EV3.
This kit contains:
The ADC Adapter can connect 2 Arduino sensors and read their values at the same time. With this adapter, you can use any analog or digital Arduino sensors on EVB or EV3. It can also be used as a 2 channel voltmeter (0 – 3300mV).
The Gesture Sensor offers gesture sensing, proximity detection(10cm) and color measuring. Here is a list of the gestures. Make sure clear the gesture after each test:
The Light Sensor is a digital sensor that can measure the illuminance of light, just like the light meter, it will get the standard value—LUX. It can detect a large range from 1 to 65535 lx and reach a high resolution. You can measure the light around you with the light sensor.
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