ESP-WROOM-02 is FCC and CE qualified module integrated with reliable FTDI usb to uart serial controller for easy IOT product development
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What is it? ESP-WROOM-02 wifi SOC module development board. The development board is designed and optimized for maximum communication transmissions. Why did you make it? ESP-WROOM-02 is FCC and CE ce…
Read More…ESP-WROOM-02 wifi SOC module development board. The development board is designed and optimized for maximum communication transmissions.
ESP-WROOM-02 is FCC and CE certified module and you can use it to develop it straight into consumer products. In addition, having a reliable FTDI usb to uart serial IC eliminates driver issues.
Or search for FCC ID: 2AC7Z-ESPWROOM02
The development board has reliable FTDI usb to uart serial IC and combined with FCC and CE qualified module will allow makers an easy product development. Once product is developed it can go straight into production using ESP-WROOM-02 modules after a type approval testing.
ESP-WROOM-02 module information
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