An EEPROM Module for your Toadstool Projects
Designed by Crash-Bang Prototyping in South AfricaNo shipping info available.
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Note: For use with the range of Toadstool prototyping boards: Toadstool Mega328 Give your Toadstool Project Some Memory Simply connect this EEPROM module to the standard header on your Toadstool an…
Read More…Note: For use with the range of Toadstool prototyping boards:
Simply connect this EEPROM module to the standard header on your Toadstool and your project has memory. The EEPROM module is self-contained with all the supporting components you need to permanently store that data you're logging or the configuration settings you don't want to keep setting.
The EEPROM IC on the breakout is the Microchip 24LC128. It connects using an I2C(TWI) interface, and stores 128K bits of data.
Quick and easy prototyping, without having to add those extra wires and resistors to your project. An on-board jumper allows configuration of one of the I2C address bits.
A sample project for the Toadstool Mega328 is on our Github site, to get you up and running fast.
Note: In order to protect the header pins, the board is shipped without them soldered on.
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Bedfordview, Gauteng, South Africa
Ships from South Africa.
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