Arduino based MIDI Controller: 16x RGB LED Buttons. Plug&Play. Modular
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Important Note. We no longer manufacture nor maintain this project, but everything has been open sourced. Feel free to have a look to the repo or wiki, where you can find BOM, schematics, code and ev…
Read More…Important Note. We no longer manufacture nor maintain this project, but everything has been open sourced. Feel free to have a look to the repo or wiki, where you can find BOM, schematics, code and everything you need to build your own.
Like music? Like Arduino? or Like coding? If so, would you like to have a custom Arduino based MIDI controller? We make it easy, just upload a code and start playing. Our device sends real MIDI! Visit our GitHub for more information!
MiDispositivoMIDI is an Arduino based open source MIDI controller. It can be connected trough USB to your computer and act as a commercial controller, without installing extra software, just plug and play. It is totally compatible with DAWs such as Ableton Live, Nuendo, Logic or Cubase. If you know how to code, you can collaborate with the project, if you don't you can just use the codes that we provide. Check out this Rev2 Demo.
The controller is delivered assembled and with a code inside, that will let you to just plug in and enjoy. We provide documentation on how to upload new code, basics of MIDI protocol and how to easily modify existing code to customize your controller without being an expert on coding.
At the beginning we started with a very basic controller, but we ended with MiDispositivoMIDI RevA3C, which is the latest version we have released. We have been some years improving it in Rev1 and Rev2 and we are now very proud to present the new one. Check out other people using our device here. More than 70 people has our Rev1 and Rev2 versions!
We think that the best of MiDispositivoMIDI is that it is an open source developing platform, that can be used to experiment with MIDI controllers. It is also modular, so up to four controllers can be connected with some minor mods, making a huge 8x8 button matrix. Some of the most important features are:
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Thomas | Aug. 9, 2019
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