This adapter PCB breaks out all 40 pins on your RPi for easy access and manages power for fast, hassle-free breadboard prototyping.
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What is it? TL;DR at bottom! This is a breadboard adapter for the Raspberry Pi models A+, B+, 2, and 3. It breaks out the Pi's double header into a single column which you can plug into a breadboard …
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This is a breadboard adapter for the Raspberry Pi models A+, B+, 2, and 3. It breaks out the Pi's double header into a single column which you can plug into a breadboard - now you have access to all of your GPIO in a single convenient column with access to both sides of the breadboard, unlike other adapters which take up the middle bridge. Each pin is clearly labeled with both physical pin and functionality (GPIO, I2C, SPI, etc...).
The lower section of the adapter handles power. It includes the following:
With this configuration, you have access to 3 levels of easy-to-access, broken-out voltage: DC IN, 5V, and 3.3V for feeding your RPi clean input voltage and fast breadboard prototyping.
All of the breakouts accept .1" pitch terminal screw blocks. For the adapter breakout pins, I would recommend straight female header or directly soldering.
There are two pain points when prototyping with the Raspberry Pi: power management and breadboarding.
Turning the Pi on and off is usually done with plugging and unplugging a micro USB plug - a switch uses less time and puts less wear on the USB socket. Additionally, you need an adequate power supply for powering the Pi and its peripherals, and that 5V power needs to be clean. Setting up regulators for each portable Pi project could definitely be optimized. For prototyping, I wanted access to multiple different voltages, since different components in the project may need different voltages. I wanted them broken out in an accessible and secure way.
Breadboarding on the Pi is optimizable. Conventional methods require either male-female jumpers to access GPIO directly or an adapter from the Pi to a breadboard, usually done with a ribbon cable. Having used a cable before, I didn't really like how it flopped around. Jumpers have the tendency to shift around and fall out. A single 1x40 male header into breadboard has proven to be very secure and is nice because every pin is broken out for prototyping. The other pain point of prototyping with existing adapters is that they block up the middle breadboard bridge, which is convenient for prototyping. A single column leaves the majority of the breadboard open for prototyping without obstructions.
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