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The TC-720 is a bipolar, heat and cool, thermoelectric temperature controller with USB communications. It is capable of controlling up to 36 volts and 20 amps. One standard thermistor, model MP-3193,…
Read More…The TC-720 is a bipolar, heat and cool, thermoelectric temperature controller with USB communications. It is capable of controlling up to 36 volts and 20 amps. One standard thermistor, model MP-3193, is included. A second sensor can be attached for monitoring and alarm purposes. The controller is housed in a die-cast aluminum box and incorporates a keypad and a liquid-crystal display. The display allows the user to monitor the sensor temperature, power output level, and menu settings. The integrated keypad accesses an easy-to-use menu system, allowing the user to adjust all of the basic controller parameters such as the set temperature, tuning parameters, and alarm parameters. The controller can also be connected to a computer via USB for more advanced program control as well as data graphing and data logging using the supplied software. The software is shipped as a stand-alone program, but the LabVIEW source code for that program (version 2018 and higher) is also available upon request. A sample read and write command programmed in Python (2.7) is also available for download from the SOFTWARE tab on this web page. Labeled wiring cables are included free of charge when purchasing interconnected standard products on the same order (thermoelectric cooling assembly or module, temperature controller and/or a power supply). The number of cables included (1-3 pairs) will depend on the number of components being interconnected.
Product: (5.00)
Documentation: (5.00)
Shipping: (5.00)
Communication: (5.00)
Prajnesh | Aug. 4, 2021
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