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XTM-50 Tunable Filter with Adjustable Bandwidth Yenista is renowned for its tunable filter technology which provides the best optical properties for telecom applications. With the XTM-50 both center …
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Yenista is renowned for its tunable filter technology which provides the best optical properties for telecom applications. With the XTM-50 both center wavelength and bandwidth can be independently adjusted. It is manually controlled and versions are available covering all the key telecom wavelengths from 1260 nm to1650 nm and bandwidths from
Key Features Adjustable Bandwidth Flat-top Filter The bandwidth of the XTM-50 filters can be adjusted independently of the center wavelength. The filter has a flat-top profile with minimal ripple, less than 0.2 dB. Models are available with FWHM bandwidths from 32 pm (4 GHz) up to 5 nm (625 GHz). Bandwidth and Wavelength Tuning Ultra-sharp Filter Edges The XTM-50 uses Yenista's patented quadruple pass technology. This creates extremely sharp filter edges with slopes of up to 800 dB/nm. Single or groups of narrowly spaced DWDM channels or coherent super-channels can be selected with ease. High Isolation In addition to the sharp filter edges, Yenista's quadruple pass technology achieves higher isolation than conventional double-pass filters. Isolation is typically 60 dB. XTM-50 at 1550 nm 0 dB -10 dB -20 dB -30 dB -40 dB -50 dB 1549.5 nm 1550 nm 1550.5 nm Insertion Loss FWHM (pm) 48 109 205 297 400 503 600 700 Yenista is renowned for its tunable filter technology which provides the best optical properties for telecom applications. With the XTM-50 both center wavelength and bandwidth can be independently adjusted. It is manually controlled and versions are available covering all the key telecom wavelengths from 1260 nm to1650 nm and bandwidths from 32 pm (4 GHz) to 5 nm. 200 nm Wavelength Range All models have a very wide wavelength range and cover the key telecom wavelengths from 1260 nm to 1650 nm. The O-band model has 100 nm range. The SCL band model cover up to a useful 200 nm range. High Accuracy & Repeatability High resolution translation stages are used for both wavelength and bandwidth control. This ensures the XTM-50 can be set accuracy and repeatedly over time. Narrowest Filter - Highest Selectivity The XTM-50 is the most selective filter on the market. Models are available with filter bandwidths from 32 pm (4 GHz) up to 5 nm (625 GHz). Applications DWDM Channel Selection Low dispersion, steep edges and high isolation mean that DWDM channels, or even coherent superchannels with spacing down to 10 GHz, can be separated with ease. BER tests have never been so good! Variable OSNR Source A variable OSNR source typically consists of an ASE source combined with a variable attenuator. Adding the XTM-50 with a flat-top adjustable bandwidth enables consistent noise loading for all DWDM wavelengths. R&D of Modulation Formats The XTM-50 is perfect for the filtering and analysis of subbands of complex modulations formats. Pulse Shaping Wide bandwidth flexibility enables the filter to be used for pulse shaping of femtosecond lasers. 32 pm (4 GHz) to 5 nm.
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Lac | July 1, 2021
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