Versatile board with ESP8266 for your projects
Designed by chiptron in CzechiaNo shipping info available.
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What is it? The Meteo V3.1 is versatile board with ESP8266 (ESP12E or ESP07 module) with connectors for I2C sensors and devices, 1-Wire connector, one analog input with voltage divider, and also two …
Read More…The Meteo V3.1 is versatile board with ESP8266 (ESP12E or ESP07 module) with connectors for I2C sensors and devices, 1-Wire connector, one analog input with voltage divider, and also two GPIO for general purpose. A few sensors are mentioned here. The board can be powered from external power supply (from 3.8 to 16 V - voltage regulator on-board) or directly by battery from 2.7V (based on using components) to 3.6 V. The board is programmed by USB-UART converter.
The Meteo V3.1 is versatile board for ESP8266 module which contains WiFi connectivity. I'm using the board like weather station (temperature, humidity, pressure) and also with light bulb - the board automatic controls the light intensity for value which you set in FW. But as I mentioned, the board is versatile so you can make everthing what you want. Each order includes Power Shield for switching of additional devices like LEDs, DC motors etc.
The design files of board - schematic, design - is available on github. I created a lot of examples which describes the using of board, functionality and also possiblity using. Check this website with detailed description of Meteo V3 board.
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Quantity | Price |
1 | $5.00 |
2+ | $4.00 |
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