The CGUSBSERPRG1 is a reliable USB/serial (3.3V signal level) project interface board and PIC32 programmer.
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The CGUSBSERPRG1 automatically switches to the speed that is set in the terminal emulator on the PC. Valid speeds are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200, 230400. US…
Read More…The CGUSBSERPRG1 automatically switches to the speed that is set in the terminal emulator on the PC. Valid speeds are: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200, 230400.
USB/UART mode:
When first powered up, the CG1455 is in USB/UART mode and acts as a simple USB to 5.0/3.3V UART interface. To enter PIC32 programmer mode, press the program select switch briefly, the LED will light. Pressing the program select switch for greater than 2 seconds will reset the microcontroller on the programming interface but not enter programmer mode. The LED will flash briefly after 2 seconds to indicate success. A "break" command sent from the terminal emulator can also be used to restart the microcontroller on the programming interface (Alt+B in Teraterm).
Programmer mode: Pressing the program select switch for greater than 2 seconds will exit programmer mode (to go back to USB/UART mode). The LED will go out after 2 seconds to indicate success and when the switch is released the microcontroller on the programming interface will be reset and will switch back to USB/UART mode
Open a command window and use the command line:
pic32prog -d ascii:comxxx nnnn.hex
where comxxx is the com port that has appeared when the USB cable was connected and nnnn.hex is the firmware you wish to program into the PIC32.
Once the PIC32 is programmed the CGUSBSERPRG1 will automatically revert to USB/UART mode.
Programmer firmware will be emailed. To use the CGUSBMULTI for programming, the PIC32PROG GUI (credit to Robert Rozee) in this zip file works with pic32prog.exe to program PIC32 ICSP.
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