Interfaces Raspberry Pis, Arduinos or any digital input to a wide range of AC/DC voltages (12V, 24V, 48V, or higher) with optical isolation
Designed by Concise Technologies Inc. in United States of AmericaNo shipping info available.
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What is it? Isolated wide voltage range interface board that allows Raspberry Pis, Arduinos or any digital input to monitor a wide range of AC/DC voltages (12V, 24V, 48V, or higher). It has a built-i…
Read More…Isolated wide voltage range interface board that allows Raspberry Pis, Arduinos or any digital input to monitor a wide range of AC/DC voltages (12V, 24V, 48V, or higher). It has a built-in LED to make it easy to see when a signal is active. Can also be used as an R-R voltage divider or R-R-C voltage divider with low pass filter.
Each order contains 2 bare circuit boards. What components are populated, and the values used are dependent on the application. Once we get an idea of the interest in this design and the most common applications, we may be able to offer kits with often used component values.
I use Raspberry Pis and Arduinos to monitor and control systems in agriculture and industry and wanted a versatile interface board that could be used in a wide variety of prototype and low volume situations.
It can be populated in a number of different ways to accommodate a wide range of AC/DC voltages (12V, 24V, 48V, or higher) with and without optical isolation, with two mounting holes and screw cage connectors to provide a stable platform for interfacing external signals. A Zener diode provides surge clamping/regulation and a filter capacitor filters AC signals or can hold the voltage steady for A/D converters.
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Robert | April 7, 2020
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Foothill Ranch, CA, United States of America
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