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Introducing our custom-designed PCB with wireless capabilities, featuring the powerful ESP32S2 mini and NRF24L01 or subghz module Our PCB is specifically designed to be used with Flipper Zero A true…
Read More…Introducing our custom-designed PCB with wireless capabilities, featuring the powerful ESP32S2 mini and NRF24L01 or subghz module Our PCB is specifically designed to be used with Flipper Zero
A true 3-in-1 module, includes a ESP32-S2 and one optional module slot. I
You have the option to install either a CC1101 module or a NRF24 module.
Features ESP32-S2 micro-SD card reader (used saving PCAP's of sniffed traffic in wifi marauder). ESP32-S2 will come pre-flashed with Wifi Marauder, ready to start sniffing traffic from the get go.. Supports flashing the ESP32-S2 directly from the flipper zero using USB-UART bridge. Compatible with the Wifi Marauder companion flipper app, allowing you to control the ESP32-S2 directly from the Flipper Zero.
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Shauwn | March 2, 2023
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