uCurrent gold with AAA battery holder
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ENIG finished (gold plated PCB) μCurrent5 devices, created by Dave Jones of EEVBlog (published under CC BY-SA Open Source license). This device has the same measurements as the original version. The …
Read More…ENIG finished (gold plated PCB) μCurrent5 devices, created by Dave Jones of EEVBlog (published under CC BY-SA Open Source license).
This device has the same measurements as the original version. The resistors have a very low measuring tolerance (0.05% resistor tolerance). So the measurement is very precise. The device has a very low burden voltage. The burden voltage is the voltage loss over this measurement device. For the mA range the burden voltage is 20µV / mA (typical 10m Ohm resistor for connection wires). For instance at 30mA current measurement the burden voltage is just 30 * 20u = 0.6mV. So a 3.3V power supply has a loss of 0.6mV over this device. That's 3.3 - 0.0006 = 3,2994V. A very low voltage drop over this device. That makes this uCurrent gold so special. Good for IoT projects where power measurement and accuracy matters.
This devices includes the 3 AAA battery holder. Batteries are not included.
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The delivery price mentioned is the average price to send it from the Netherlands. This means I will mostly be able to send it for that price to you. I am able to cancel the order if the shipping cost are much higher. I will send you a message if this is the case. You will receive your money back of course.
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