Pico Audio Development Kit - Make your own digital synths!
Designed by DatanoiseTV in GermanyThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Update! All new orders have a free upgrade from 2MB to 4MB flash. As of 2022-12-21 new stock has arrived. The new version has a JST 1.0mm 4 Pin (QWIIC compatible) connector and a WS2812-2020 LED. So…
Read More…All new orders have a free upgrade from 2MB to 4MB flash.
As of 2022-12-21 new stock has arrived. The new version has a JST 1.0mm 4 Pin (QWIIC compatible) connector and a WS2812-2020 LED.
The PicoADK is a RP2040 based Audio Development Kit, which allows you to build your own digital oscillators, synthesizers, noise boxes and experiment around. It has all the base features of the Raspberry Pico / RP2040, plus a high quality Audio Output, 8 Analog Inputs for connecting potentiometers, control voltage from Eurorack systems or even additional input signals.
I made it initially for myself to build digital oscillators for a hybrid synth and to experiment with the RP2040 as a DSP.
It has a 32-bit Audio Codec and an SPI 8x 12-bit ADC and is only longer by 4 pins on each side than the Raspberry Pico!
Interactive pinout at https://datanoise.net/picoadk/
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1-2 | $31.99 |
3+ | $33.99 |
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Julian | Dec. 15, 2022
Moritz | Dec. 15, 2022
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