Protect your sanity while working with LED matrices.
Designed by Radomir Dopieralski in SwitzerlandThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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If you need a larger amount of any of my products, or you would like to sell them in your store, please contact me. All my designs are publicly available, and I can help you with the production setup.
What is it? A 2x2cm, 8x8 LED Matrix, with an additional PCB that re-arranges the pins to a saner configuration than the default, with all anodes (columns) at the bottom, and all cathodes (rows) at th…
Read More…A 2x2cm, 8x8 LED Matrix, with an additional PCB that re-arranges the pins to a saner configuration than the default, with all anodes (columns) at the bottom, and all cathodes (rows) at the top row.
I got tired of the convoluted pinout that those matrices have by default. I decided that my sanity is worth the effort of designing an adapter board.
It fits on the bottom of the matrix seamlessly, making it only a little bit higher. You can insert male pin headers into the staggered holes at the bottom without soldering, or solder them if you want. They fit into a breadboard and provide a much better connection that the thin and weirdly spaced default pins.
You get a 8x8 matrix soldered to the PCB breakout, and two 8-pin male headers that fit into the holes in the PCB. The mini-breadboard and battery shown in the photos are not included.
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Quantity | Price |
1 | $2.00 |
2 | $1.80 |
3 | $1.60 |
4 | $1.40 |
5 | $1.20 |
6+ | $1.00 |
Product: (5.00)
Documentation: (5.00)
Shipping: (5.00)
Communication: (5.00)
Barry | Jan. 5, 2020
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