Pre-Sewn, flexible, wash resistant LED for wearables.
Designed by Digital Fiber in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 31, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Digital Fiber specializes in E-Textiles and LED embroidery.
If you would like a custom design reach out here or at
What is it? It is a RED LED A machine sewn LED with conductive thread leads for ease of use. Feel free to reach out if you have special e-textile requirements Why did you make it? Led sequins are dif…
Read More…It is a RED LED A machine sewn LED with conductive thread leads for ease of use.
Feel free to reach out if you have special e-textile requirements
Led sequins are difficult and time consuming to sew in. Most people do it manually which can take over an hour for just 10 LEDs and usually creates unreliable connections. I made these pre-sewn sequins to provide a durable solution fixed with a specially developed pattern and with insulation.
I use a very high quality conductive thread that I've tested against many others. It's better than what is circulating among hobbyists
There is no need to loop in and out of the LED sequin, you can sew directly over the exposed thread to make a connection. This saves a LOT of time and is the main reason I made these.
The shape and stitch pattern of the underlying LED was specially developed for durability.
The LED is insulated for added protection
LEDs have NO resistor included. This was intentional because the resistance caused by most hobbyist thread is so high that a resistor is often not needed. Do not fear, I have yet to need a resistor in any of my projects. If for some reason you need more resistance, use a longer trace. If you're powering with a coin cell or something like that then resistors definitely aren't needed because the coin cell cant provide enough current to burn the led.
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Orange Park, FL, United States of America
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