Yamaha YM2413 2 OP FM Generative FM Synth & Sequencer
Designed by Distropolis Goods in United States of AmericaThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
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I should have a new batch of GREAT CONJUNCTION ready during the week of 5/13/24. There was an issue at the printing company that is producing the manuals.
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GREAT CONJUNCTION is a generative sequencer and synthesizer that utilizes a vintage Yamaha YM2413 FM sound chip for onboard sound reproduction.
It creates melodic, chaotic, rhythmic, glitchy, soothing, hypnotic, curiously evolving atmospheres and polyrhythmic puzzles.
General Features include:
GREAT CONJUNCTION is NOT a deliberate instrument.
You cannot intentionally place notes or events in a sequence.
Instead, sequences are generated algorithmically using one of three methods (pseudo-random, euclidean or cellular automata).
Sequencer events trigger the internal YM2413 FM sound chip, and can trigger MIDI output.
The Yamaha YM2413 chip is only capable of producing one custom sound. The three sequencers can send conflicting data to the YM2413, causing it to manifest tones that would be difficult or impossible to program directly.
Sequencer parameters include:
All parameters can be periodically and individually evolved over time.
Most parameters have an additional sub function (detailed in the manual).
FM synth parameters include:
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