Multiple voltage regulators with +5V & +3V3 outputs to multiple connection types with optional expansion modules for level shifting or power
Designed by DNR Enterprise in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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What is it? The DNR Enterprise PowerBrick Ver 2.0 power supply is designed to meet the advanced needs of today’s electronic hobbyist. The many features include two (2) voltage selectable regulators…
Read More…The DNR Enterprise PowerBrick Ver 2.0 power supply is designed to meet the advanced needs of today’s electronic hobbyist.
The many features include two (2) voltage selectable regulators; LT1084 or AZ1084 supplying +5V0 or +3V3 at 5 Amps Max/4 Amps 80% continuous operation. Two fixed output voltage regulators; +5V0 at 5 Amps Max/4 Amps 80% continuous operation and +3V3 at 250mA to an expansion header to provide power for logic shifter modules and/or power connections for USB-A or 2.5x2.1mm barrel connector and other feature modules.
Born out of frustration when in the early days of working with various development boards and attempting to have them powered and communicate with each other.
Multiple power connection options:
Test points to check voltages.
All 5A regulators are adjustable to permit the hobbyist to select a different output voltages if desired using different resistors.
Very detailed assembly instructions takes the guess work out of assembling the PowerBrick 2.0.
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Burr Ridge, IL, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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