Semtech Lora SX1276 RS232 interface data radio modem RF wireless module DRF1276DL1
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Features: LoRaTM Frequency Spectrum 868/915Mhz ISM frequency band -136dBm receive sensitivity 20dBm Max. output power Serial port wake-up Wireless wake-up RS232 interface Supply voltage 3.4~5.5V …
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DRF1276DL1 is a type of long range low data rate data radio modem based on SX1276 from Semtech. DRF1276DL1 is a low-cost sub-1 GHz transceiver module designed for operations in the unlicensed ISM (Industrial Scientific Medical) and LPRD bands. Frequency spectrum modulation/demodulation, multi-channel operation, high bandwidth efficiency and anti-blocking performance make DRF1276DL1 modules easy to realize the robust and reliable wireless link.
DRF1276DL1 is a transparent data radio modem which means the module transfers or receives data from the host with preset data format without encoding/decoding needed so the communication between them is transparent. DRF1276DL1 is RS232 interface.. Comparing to TTL DRF1276DM module, DRF1276DL1 doesn’t have star networking function. Users can set both DRF1276DM and DRF1276DL1 module to standard mode to make them compatible.
Wireless Gas/electric meter, wireless sensor network, Automatic data logger, Industrial telemetry, Home automation, Remote keyless entry, Robotics control.
Please note that this package includes 1pcs DRF1276DL1 and 1pcs antenna.
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