A mono speaker fully powered by the 3.5mm jack at around 56 decibels.
Designed by Drillion Designs in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 31, 2030. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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This is for customers who want their Raspberry Pi (or any device with a 3.5mm jack) to output audio in a small package, quickly and easily. It fits directly and is powered by the 3.5mm audio jack. Fo…
Read More…This is for customers who want their Raspberry Pi (or any device with a 3.5mm jack) to output audio in a small package, quickly and easily. It fits directly and is powered by the 3.5mm audio jack. For example, I have a Pi that is a trading bot, when it makes a successful sell, it will make a "cha-ching!" cash register sound. This device was tested at 56 decibels with pink noise at 6 inches away. It is printed with a 0.4 nozzle at super quality with black PLA. Designed by Drillion in Las Vegas [^_^]
WARNING: 1) This is only powered by the 3.5mm jack, make sure you output 100% volume. 2) Because the speakers are small (12mm) the decibels are low (56Db), you will not be able to hear this clearly if the ambient noise in your room is loud. 3) This is mono left only. In your OS pull the audio full left. We have a stereo version. 4) This is a hand-made 3D printed product, it will have imperfections from production that make it unique. 5) If I don't have any in stock there may be a lead-time of up to 4 weeks, but I usually have enough ready to ship in 1-2 days.
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