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The Dragino LoRaWAN GPS Tracker LGT-92 is an open source GPS tracker base on Ultra Low Power STM32L072 MCU and SX1276/1278 LoRa Module. LGT-92 includes a low power GPS module L70 and 9-axis accelerom…
Read More…The Dragino LoRaWAN GPS Tracker LGT-92 is an open source GPS tracker base on Ultra Low Power STM32L072 MCU and SX1276/1278 LoRa Module.
LGT-92 includes a low power GPS module L70 and 9-axis accelerometer for motion and attitude detection. The power for both of the GPS module and accelerometer can be controlled by MCU to achieve the best energy profile for different applications.
The LoRa wireless technology used in LGT-92 allows the user to send data and reach extremely long ranges at low data-rates.It provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimising current consumption.It targets professional tracking service.
LGT-92 series products include two major variants:
**LGT-92-LI:** is powered by 1000mA rechargeable Li-on battery and charge circuit, which target for real time tracking with short tracking uplink.
**LGT-92-AA:** Disable the charge circuit to get the lowest power consumption and power directly by AA batteries. This is designed for asset tracking where only need to uplink a few times every day.
LGT-92 is an open source product, it is based on the STM32Cube HAL drivers and lots of libraries can be found in ST site for rapid development.
Applications: - Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Smart Cities - Smart Factory
Specification: System:
Acquisition: 16mA
Tracking: 13mA
Cold Start: <35s
8uA@Backup Mode
Warm Start: <30s
Accuracy: < 2.5m CEP
ReHot Start: <1s
MPU9250 9-axis
triple-axis MEMS gyroscope
triple-axis MEMS accelerometer
triple-axis MEMS magnetometer
3.5mA operating current
Power Comsuption:
Sleeping Mode: 77uA (for LGT-92-LI), 3uA (for LGT-92-AA)
Tracking: max: 38mA
LoRa Transmit: 24 ~ 150mA
Power Comsuption:
LI: Li-on battery version.
AA: AA battery version
EU433: Default frequency band EU433
CN470: Default frequency band CN470
EU868: Default frequency band EU868
IN865: Default frequency band IN865
KR920: Default frequency band KR920
AS923: Default frequency band AS923
AU915: Default frequency band AU915
US915: Default frequency band US915
Shipping Notice: Note: Prices are exclusive of local taxes and import duties.
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Agustin | Oct. 31, 2019
Kunchih | Oct. 20, 2019
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