Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep....
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Use this for a house alarm, car alarm or a bike alarm. You can play a sine wave through it to for a more dramatic effect than just on and off. As you can see in the picture it comes wire leads alrea…
Read More…Use this for a house alarm, car alarm or a bike alarm. You can play a sine wave through it to for a more dramatic effect than just on and off. As you can see in the picture it comes wire leads already connected to it.
Also observable in the picture are mount holes on each side of the enclosure.
Technical name: Piezo Buzzer 42mm Diameter (Yes it's pretty big.) Designed to really get loud around 3500 Hz Sound Pressure Loudness > 95dB Voltage:3V-24V
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Long Island City, NY, United States of America
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