This is a LiPoly backpack designed for the module NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 this expansion allows the module to work with LiPo battery and charge
Designed by Electronic Cats in MexicoThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
NodeMCU v1.0 ESP8266 LiPoly/LiIon Backpack Rev. A English/ Spanish This is a LiPoly backpack designed for the module NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 this expansion allows the module to work with LiPo battery an…
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English/ Spanish This is a LiPoly backpack designed for the module NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 this expansion allows the module to work with LiPo battery and charge it if you power up your ESP8266 by the USB port.
If you have a NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 you probably know it's the perfect little size for IoT projects. This LiPo backpack makes very easy the charge of a LiPo battery instead of soldering more boards, this little PCB sits on top of the NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 and allows a LiPoly/LiIon battery to plug in. When the NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 USB port is powered, the battery is recharged automatically. Unplug the USB port and the NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 will switch over to the rechargeable battery.
This backpack is the first one designed for the module NodeMCU ESP8266. Automatic switch between charge and use of the battery. It has a jumper to control the current to charge the battery.
Solder the backpack on with the extra long header so that it can still plug into a breadboard, or clip the long header leads short afterwards for a slim package. There are two LEDs - one red and one green. While charging, the red LED is lit. When the battery is fully charged and ready for use, the green LED turns on. Seriously, it could not get more easy.
Charging is performed in three stages: first a preconditioning charge, then a constant-current fast charge and finally a constant-voltage trickle charge to keep the battery topped-up. The charge current is 100mA by default, so it will work with any size battery and USB port. If you want you can easily change it over to 500mA mode by soldering closed the jumper on the bottom, for when you'll only be charging batteries with 500mAh size or larger.
Batteries no included.
Boards Compatibles
Non Compatibles Boards
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“All goods are checked before they are sent out. In the unlikely event that goods are faulty, they must be returned to the address listed on your order invoice. We will not accept goods that have clearly been used more than the amount needed to evaluate their functionality. If the goods are found to be in working condition, and the lack of functionality is a result of lack of knowledge or assembly error on the customers part, no refund will be made, but the goods will be returned to the user at their expense.”
v1.0 Designed by The Inventor's House. CERN Open Hardware Licence 1.2 (CERN OHL 1.2), check cern_ohl_v_1_2.txt for more information All text above must be included in any redistribution
Spanish Esta es una mochila para baterias LiPoly diseñada para el módulo NodeMCU v1.0 esta expansión permite al modulo trabajar con baterías Lipo y cargarla si encender el ESP8266 por el puerto USB .. Esta es una mochila para baterias LiPoly diseñada para el módulo NodeMCU v1.0 esta expansión permite al modulo trabajar con baterías Lipo y cargarla si encender el ESP8266 por el puerto USB .
Si tu tienes un NodeMCU ESP8266 V1.0 tu probablemente sabes que es el pequeño tamaño perfecto para el Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Esta mochila LiPoly hace muy fácil la carga de baterías LiPo en vez de soldar mas tablas, esta pequeña PCB se coloca sobre el NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 y permite conectar una bateria LiPoly/LiIon. Cuando el NodeMCU ESP8266 v1.0 se alimenta por el puerto USB, la batería se recarga automáticamente, Se desconecta el puerto USB y el NodeMCU ESP8266 V1.0 cambia y se alimenta de la batería recargable. Esta mochila es la primera diseñada para el NodeMCU ESP8266. Automático cambio entre carga y uso de batería. Tiene un jumper para controlar la corriente de carga de la batería.
Puedes soldar el backpack con pines extra largos para que aun puedas usar los pines en un protoboard, hay dos LED’s uno rojo y uno verde, mientras carga el LED rojo estará prendido. Cuando la batería esté completamente cargada y lista para usar el LED verde prendera. Enserio no puede ser más fácil. La carga se realiza en tres etapas: primero una carga de acondicionamiento previo, y luego una carga rápida de corriente constante y finalmente una carga lenta de tensión constante para mantener la batería cargada en marcha La corriente de carga es de 100 mA por defecto, por lo que funciona con batería de cualquier tamaño y USB. puerto.
Baterías no incluidas.
Tarjetas Compatibles
Tarjetas NO Compatibles
Autonomous Weather Station With ESP8266
MASLOW: an Open WiFi Detector with ESP8266]
v1.0 Diseñada por The Inventor's House. CERN Open Hardware Licence 1.2 (CERN OHL 1.2), revisar cern_ohl_v_1_2.txt en repositorio de github para más información.
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