Electrotechnique Momentum - DIY Teensy micro-controller based polyphonic synthesizer you can build yourself
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After the success of TSynth, Electrotechnique brings you Momentum. Momentum is a powerful, low-cost, 12-voice digital virtual analogue polyphonic synthesizer. It’s features rival those of synths cost…
Read More…Momentum is a powerful, low-cost, 12-voice digital virtual analogue polyphonic synthesizer. It’s features rival those of synths costing many times more. Momentum builds on TSynth, Electrotechnique’s first synthesizer and adds additional features.
Three Simultaneous MIDI ports:
Patches, Performance, Arpeggiator and Sequencer:
Momentum is easier to build than TSynth and has a simpler case consisting of a 3D printed tray and a PCB front panel. The software is open source and user development is encouraged - TSynth gained new features from users.
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Items I personally sell, are shipped by tracked mail usually within a couple of normal business days from Jeju, South Korea.
TSynth bulk orders - JLCPCB orders are shipped directly to TSynth buyers when production is complete, usually after a week.
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