4-channel analog-to-digital converter
Designed by EletroShields in BrazilNo shipping info available.
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Important: Due to the shutdowns in the Federal Revenue, which have been ongoing since November 2023, we are temporarily suspending our exports to avoid potential issues such as delays and lost orders…
Read More…Important: Due to the shutdowns in the Federal Revenue, which have been ongoing since November 2023, we are temporarily suspending our exports to avoid potential issues such as delays and lost orders.
IMPORTANT: we ship all our items from Brazil via priority mail or express mail (EMS), and the customer is responsible for customs release and any import duties that may be due in the destination country.
The ADC Nanoshield offers a solution for applications that need high resolution analog-to-digital conversion, or when it is necessary to expand the number of analog inputs beyond what's available in the microprocessor. Implemented with the IC ADS1115, the ADC Nanoshield is ideal for applications such as reading temperature, pressure or humidity industrial sensors, among other types. It can also be used to monitor batteries, supply voltages, or any other project that needs analog to digital conversion with high quality.
The ADC Nanoshield has the following additional features:
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IMPORTANT: we ship all our items from Brazil via priority mail or express mail (EMS), and the customer is responsible for customs release and any import duties that may be due in the destination country.
Packages will be posted two business days after confirmation of purchase.
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