24 Steps rotary encoder switch and push button including a debouncing circuit board
Designed by Fabteck in Canada
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What is it? This is a 24 steps rotary encoder / push button which include a built-in debouncing circuit. The rotary encoder and the built-in switch signals pass thru a rebound processing circuit whic…
Read More…This is a 24 steps rotary encoder / push button which include a built-in debouncing circuit. The rotary encoder and the built-in switch signals pass thru a rebound processing circuit which eliminate the bouncing caused by other rotary encoder. Both supply voltage and signals ouputs are 5 Volts . To detect the rotation direction you have to check which of the phase A or B is going low first. As mentioned, the builtin push button switch is also taking care of.
To avoid reading a bad count or position of the MCU which will read the output of the encoder due to the bouncing as in figure 1. This also eliminate the need to add special code in your program to take care of this bouncing action.
Completely eliminate bounce at the output of the encoder and provide 100% reading accuracy as in figure 2.
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Kent | May 6, 2024
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